
Wednesday evening we arrived in Poltava around midnight. We moved into our flat and ooooo what flat it is!!! Thanks Randy for helping us! It is awesome!!! We were up until 3am unpacking and settling in then up at 7:30am to get ready for the day.

1st thing on the agenda, we met with the inspector. There are three couples adopting and working in unison. We were second to see the inspector. She explained to us the girls situation as to why they are in the orphanage. She seemed to have a very special interest in the girls. She asked if the girls talked about their family. Later we learned that the inspector was the one who removed the girls from the home. This is a very emotional process and inspector was a bit emotional also. It was so hard to hear the conditions of how they were found.

Next is was on to meet the director of the orphanage along with Inspector. We drove over to orphanage and had to wait for her to arrive. Our hopes were that the girls would be at the orphanage when we got there. They were at the medical center getting blood tests done. They came shortly after we arrived. It was so awesom to see them. Anya quickly came up to us and hugged us and Tanya was her usual shy self. Once director arrived, her and Zhenia met together first. Zhenia came out and told us that things were tense. The goverment is accusing the director of selling kids to Americans. We were told not to worry this will not affect our adoptions. When we met with director, we made sure we expressed how grateful to her we are for all she does for them. Then the girls were brought in along with the inspector. The inspector asked them questions and then asked if they want to be adopted by us. Anya said yes with a big smile on her face but Tanya, smiling, said she needed about 5 minutes. Anya became very agitated with her. We stepped oustide with the girls and with Veronica translating, Tanya said she is afraid we will beat her. Anya said she was afraid we would not treat us the same as if they were their own. If she could only understand our heart....they are our own!! She asked Veronica not to translate that to us. Thankfully she did. Veronica said I need to tell them how we will love them...make in tangible. Such a big help!! We talked a bit more but felt we should give them so time to just talk with Veronica. Anya all the while was very upset with Tanya about her behavior. After some time Tanya finally said yes. When I learned of this I looked at Tanya and told her how happy I am. She shyly smiled. Veronica told me that she was teasing and didn't mean it when she said no. Tanya has her survival mode up most of the time....trust no one!

After the drama, we went to the notary office for all our signatures on documents to submit to the court. Oops! It was back to the orphanage again because we forgot to get the girls to sign a petition saying they agree to be adopted by us. This time we were called in again to the directors office and had a wonderful chat with her. She asked about the school where the girls will go to. I told her that our school district is exemplary and we would start slow with just English. I told her Anya wants to be a hair sylist and she can go to classes in high school and have her license before she graduates high school. She was very impressed by this. She said she wants to do education for trades in the orphange and teach them to be better equipped before they leave. The director was an orphan also and grew up in the very same orphanage. She has a passion for these children.

I told her we were sorry for all the trouble she is going through. She said the suffering is worth it for the children. The children are all that matter to her. She wept as she told us this. She hugged me over and over. I, of course, was crying too. It's amazing to meet such a person that loves so big.

Finally, we were through with all the meetings and it's pizza time! The girls at this point are still a bit shy with us but we had a good lunch. Zhenia then informs all of us that he is working on us getting the kids for two weeks while we wait to go to court. OHHHH! Happy smiles all around!! The girls were so happy.....and that sure did make mama and papa happy too!!!!

After lunch we went back to the flat. They were so excited about the flat. Glasna! Meaning 'Cool'! We gave them their new soccer jerseys. They loved them! (Thanks Karen!!) They put them on right away and looking at themselves in the full length mirror over and over!! Anya looked at me and said she wants to play soccer and have her name on the back of her jersey!! Once they found the bag with all the crafts and presents they went crazy. It was so much fun. They started right away making things. Then Zhenia came and they were showing him everything.

Tanya then found something very special...I had no idea how special it would be. We had friends who had a little girl that was scared of adoption. A friend told them that people process either by thinking or by talking. It was suggested that they give her a key to their home in the states ...something tangible to represent security, love and a forever family. Knowing the fear and unsurety they both were feeling prior to us coming, especially Tanya, I brought two keys on Texas key chains. When she found them, I snatched them quickly so she would not know what they were just yet. We sat them down and had Zhenia translate. We said, "That these are the keys to our home in Texas. It's no longer Mark's or Phyllis's home, it's Anya and Tanya's home too! It's where our FAMILY lives! We wanted them to have a key to their new home." Tanya was smiling and giggling! Anya had the widest eyes ever and then asked if it was a real key! We said yes and then she asked to the front door and the back door...we said yes. She was so excited! She couldn't believe it!! Then she asked what if she lost it at camp (because they had to back for the night). I said if you loose it we can make another one!! You know that feeling you get when you get the gift you have wanted forever at Christmas? This is how she was but 10 times more!! I will never forget this as long as I live! A beautiful precious moment!

Then it was time to go to take the girls back to camp. All three familys loaded up in a mini bus and away we went. When saying good by there were lots of hugs and kisses. Mark was so happy....Anya kissed him on the cheek!! Anya must have said thank you a million times!!
Tomorrow should be a nice day....no appointments....just hang time with the girls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "key story" brought me to tears! I rejoice with you and can't wait until y'all get home with your girls. God bless and keep you during the process and maybe just maybe, He'll hurry up the process for you.

Wanda Rios